Magical Creatures!! 

Remember the Lock Ness Monster from Scotland?
Well, we spoke about another magical creature from Ireland
        The leprechauns!
They are goblins from Ireland, they wear green clothes, they have red hair and beard, they wear a hat and they have gold coins!
They have the gold in a pot at the end of the rainbow. 

We did a Leprechaun Hunt! These little goblins were everywere in the school!!

We had lots of fun!

We work in teams, we read the clues, and we found all the 10 leprechauns.
Hello Friends!!!
We shared a Environmental Workshop with the students of 6th grade. 
We spoke about how to reduce waste.

Look this video! This man is wearing all the garbage he produces during 30 days! Amazing!!

Please, tell all people to use less plastic!!!

Acto natalicio de Artigas


Informamos que el acto en el que recordaremos un  nuevo aniversario de Natalicio de José Gervasio Artigas se realizará el próximo lunes 24 de junio en ambos turnos.

Turno matutino: 09:00 horas

Turno vespertino: 15:45 horas

Los esperamos


   CEIP, confirmó que el acto en homenaje a José Gervasio Artigas será suspendió.
   La fecha será coordinada en la institución a la brevedad


   En caso de que exista alerta ROJA o NARANJA, el acto conmemorativo del natalicio de José Gervasio Artigas quedará postergado según Circula 33/19 del CEIP

  La nueva fecha y hora se darán a conocer el día jueves 20
Hello Friends!!

We worked in 6th grade reading about a magical creature from Scotland..... The Lock Ness Monster!!

We read a text! It is a very interesting fable! Then we match the pictures with the text.



We will be reading about another magical creature very soon! See you later!

Hello students!! Hello family!
I am Teacher Viviana.
In this blog I will post about our activities at the school.


Recently we work in 6th and 4th grades describing our family. 
                                  Resultado de imagen para cuisenaire rods
We use Cuisenarie Rods, sticks of different colors. We represent our families orally and it was a lots of fun.

Here are some pictures:

!Así quedó nuestra escuela!

Queremos agradecer a quienes de una manera u otra ayudaron para hacer posible que nuestros niños hoy cuenten con televisores en las aulas y una escuela renovada y embellecida.
Con sus aportes en los sobres de comisión fomento, venta de rifas y la colaboración de las familias logramos una jornada exitosa. Gracias!!!!